Episode 1 is live

We are proud to present the first episode of our podcast! You can download it through this link.

Intro to the blog and podcast

Many countries have some sort of law designed to protect against religious intolerance. While these laws go by many names, they are most commonly referred to as “blasphemy laws.” In some countries, these laws protect a specific set of religious groups (typically representing the dominant religions in that particular country.) In other countries, like Canada, these laws do not focus on certain religions; they are intended to protect everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs. Other countries have very strict blasphemy laws, which regard following any religion not covered under the law as a blasphemous crime. Unfortunately, in cases such as these, the punishments are often quite harsh.

Our podcast will focus on the issues surrounding Pakistan’s blasphemy law. Considered to be the country with the strictest set of blasphemy laws, punishments for blasphemous crimes in Pakistan range from a small fine to life in prison to death. Many people have been forced to flee to other countries—like Canada—to escape punishment. Although the laws have been in place for decades, recent events, including a high profile assassination, have brought this issue into the limelight. Even so, many people still do not know the full story. We will be discussing the laws and their implications, and will be interviewing people who know these laws all too well.

This blog will serve as a companion piece to the podcast. We will be posting links to any news articles we mention in each episode, and providing additional detail on the issues and concepts we discuss. As well, we have an account on Formspring, where you can ask us anything you like about blasphemy laws... http://www.formspring.me/blpc